Infinity House uses a combination of specialized treatment and psychiatric methods, combined with education around daily living and parenting skills to help with rehabilitation and sustaining recovery.
Services Include:
- Individual and group substance abuse counseling
- Specialized treatment and psychiatric consultation for residents with co-occurring mental disorders
- Active participation in a therapeutic milieu, with substance abuse professionals, paraprofessionals, and peers
- Referrals to a variety of support services including educational, vocational, mental health, and family counseling
- Random drug testing
- Daily living skills training
- Parenting groups and skills building
Psycho-Education Groups Include:
- Early Recovery Skills
- Relapse Prevention
- Women’s Group
- Nurturing Parent Group
- Sanctuary groups
- Addiction education (including neurophysiological and psychological effects)
- Life skills education and training
Daily Living Skills Include:
- Completing regularly scheduled household chores such as meal preparation, cleaning, vacuuming, mopping floors, etc.
- Establishing daily personal structure, important in early recovery
- Practicing daily personal care and hygiene
- Learning time management skills—an important part of keeping up with personal responsibilities, assignments, and program requirements
All of these activities and responsibilities lend themselves to the development of daily living skills that residents will take with them as they graduate the program and begin independent living.
Residents participate in daily meditations and house meetings. In addition to this residents actively take part in 12-step community support meetings or other support meetings and activities in order to build personalized recovery networks free from their active addictions.